Program of Studies

Our Program of Studies outlines our curriculum overview, graduation requirements, grading policies, course sequencing and description, and a template for building a four-year plan.
Building a Four Year Plan

Updated annually, the Program of Studies serves three purposes. First, as a public charter school, Signature School is directly accountable to Indiana taxpayers for meeting the educational goals laid out in our charter. To that end, our Program of Studies is available for public scrutiny on the school’s website and in hard-copy form to anyone who asks for it. Second, these pages are a working compendium of the policies, guidelines, course sequences, and diploma requirements put together as a reference for faculty, staff, and parents. Third, and most importantly, students will use this document to help them plan and meet their educational goals. 

All students work to fulfill the curricular and extracurricular requirements of the IB Diploma and take courses that lead to the AP Capstone Diploma and the Indiana Academic Honors Diploma. Most amass an impressive record of AP and IB exam scores as well as one or more of the College Board AP Scholar designations.

In addition to our mission for academic excellence, Signature’s life extends far beyond the classroom. Extracurricular offerings like National Honor Society, Bio Olympiads, Mu Alpha Theta, and Thespians provide intellectually rich experiences and develop academic leaders.