Academic Advising
The Academic Advising team works with students and their families on all aspects of paving the way for success in college.
Mr. Chrockrem, Academic Advisor for Grades 9-10 (pictured left)
Ms. Hughes, Academic Advisor for Grades 11-12 and College Counselor (pictured right)
Ms. Cirino, Academic Advising Coordinator (pictured middle)
Throughout January and February, Academic Advisors hold class meetings during school, host after-school meetings with families, and conduct one-on-one lunch-time meetings to help students choose courses that meet IB, AP Capstone, and Indiana Academic Honors Diploma requirements, detailed in the yearly updated Program of Studies.
Course Registration Forms, available in January
Incoming 9th Graders
Incoming 10th Graders
Incoming 11th Graders
Incoming 12th Graders
Drop/Add Form, available during the first 10 days of each semester.
The Academic Advising Team hosts separate College Information Nights for families of juniors and seniors. Starting with the junior year, students meet with the College Counselor each month for group instruction on all matters related to the college search and application process. Juniors sign up for Individual meetings throughout the spring to make a college application plan and to ensure that the College Counselor has all the information needed to write the strongest possible counselor letter of recommendation, required by many colleges.
See the Quick Links above to access the Academic Advising Notes for each class, published twice a month, to support students in their college search and selection.
Second-semester 9th graders onward may order transcripts sent to themselves or to an institution through Parchment, a state-funded service that transfers credentials securely, Students should consult the Academic Advising Notes for how to set up their Parchment accounts.
Students requiring a teacher letter of recommendation should consult the Academic Advising Notes for procedures and links to recommendation request forms.
Students seeking permission to miss school to pursue an educational opportunity must submit a Planned Absence Form at least one week prior to the event. The submitted form requires parent and teacher signatures, so plan accordingly.
Juniors or seniors seeking permission to miss school for a college visit must submit a College Visit Form at least one week prior to the event. The submitted form requires parent and teacher signatures, so plan accordingly.